We are excited to announce that Gausdal Landhandleri, one of Norway’s leading suppliers of building materials, has chosen Deem Integrator and Deem Insight to strengthen risk management and financial control within its customer portfolio.

With Deem, Gausdal Landhandleri achieves seamless integration with AX, providing better visibility into payment history, credit assessments, and financial risk. Additionally, full integration with SVEA Finans enables efficient and automated handling of invoicing and payment follow-up, reducing bad debt losses and ensuring sound financial operations.

This solution allows Gausdal Landhandleri to be more proactive in customer follow-up, minimize financial risk, and ensure a more efficient and data-driven receivables management process.

We look forward to an exciting collaboration that will contribute to an even more robust and future-oriented financial management!


#DigitalTransformation #GausdalLandhandleri #Deem #RiskManagement #ReceivablesControl #AX #SVEAFinans #EfficientFinancialManagement #DataDrivenDecisionMaking